7 easy ways that you can freshen up your website
It’s inevitable – you get bored of your website, or maybe feel it does not perform as well as it should.
But that doesn’t necessarily mean you should go for a complete overhaul.
There are a lot of things that you can do to quickly and effectively update the look and feel of your website.
Review your content
First and foremost, one of the easiest things you can do is review your content.
Don’t go too mad! If your website is already performing well on the search engine, then often big changes can have a negative effect on your search rankings. However adding additional content is not normally a bad thing.
If you are on page zillion on Google, then you are not going to do any harm. Techno alert – Check your page titles, meta descriptions and URL structure too.
Look at your content. Are you are using big blocks of text (which no-one reads)? – Think about splitting your text up a little, add paragraph breaks and headings. Often people will skim read until they find a heading that interests them.
Look at your content again. Does your text read well? Is the grammar ok? Does it inform? Does it say you that know what you are talking about?
Look at your content again. Does it sell what you do, or does it sell the dream?
For example, no-one actually wants a website, what that what is to be found on Google. How you get there, no-one is really interested. Sell the dream, not the thing you do.
If you don’t already have testimonials on your website, then put some on!
Potential customers love to see what other people have to say about your company and testimonials are the perfect way to do this.
If you do already have testimonials, you could ask some of your more recent clients for a word about your company and update your current endorsements.
A lot of websites keep their testimonials on a single page. Think about adding snippets of testimonials around different areas of your website, especially on your service pages!
New Images
This goes hand-in-hand with reviewing your content and is also one of the easier things you can do.
New pictures and images can give a whole different feel to both your website and your company brand/image.
So if you want to try and change how your businesses is perceived then this could be an excellent thing to do.
There are plenty of stock images around to fill your website up with but it is always best to have some professional photos taken of your business, your products and your team.
Go Mobile
If your website isn’t already responsive then this is one of the first things you should think about doing.
People are accessing the web more through their mobile devices and a responsive web design is essential now. We’ve written some blogs on the benefit of having a responsive web design.
Get blogging!
Hands down, the best way to freshen up your website is to add fresh content on a regular basis!
Create a blogging schedule and try to stick to it.
Aim for one blog a month to begin with and steadily write more. One a week is ideal.
If you don’t stick religiously to it that doesn’t matter too much – as long as you’re blogging on a regular basis! Nothing worse than visiting a website where the news pages have not been updated in 12 months!
That said, studies show that regular blogs posted at the same time each week will perform better.
Read one of our previous blogs about the benefits of blogging in more detail.
Update links and old content
This is different from reviewing content. If you’ve got an established library of content in the form of blogs, social media links, pictures etc. then there’s a good chance your content could do with updating.
Go through your old blogs and update any links that might have disappeared.
Link to some of your newer content. Re-link to some of your archives on social media.
People often forget about content once they’ve put it on their website, but a little TLC goes a long way!
While video has been around for a while now (anyone remember VHS? – haha), Video is the new BIG kid on the marketing block.
Just adding a short video on Youtube about your latest product, latest project, testimonial or achievement can add a whole new level of engagement to your website.
Even more, YouTube is now the second largest search engine (after Google). Furthermore, YouTube is owned by Google – double bubble!
If you make use of these 7 ideas, then you’ll be well on your way to having a fresh and updated website.
And if this just isn’t enough for you then we’d be happy to work with you and come up with something that helps achieve your vision.