10 Top Tips To Make Sure Your Website Works For You
Is there something not quite right about your website?
You can’t put your finger on it, but it’s just not performing as it should.
There’s so much that goes into putting together a successful website that it can be difficult to pin point exactly what needs improving.
Purchase your own Domain
We always recommend you purchase and own your domain so you have full control of your website and email. If you rely on your web developer to purchase your domain, what happens if they disappear?
Manage Your Content
Choose a content management system like WordPress because you can go into back end and change text and images yourself. This makes it easy for you to keep your website up to date.
Remember your Branding
Make sure your website matches your company branding. From your business cards and literature, right through to your social media. It will help people recognise you, your work and your brand.
Choose Images Carefully
Make sure you use your own pictures or purchase high quality stock imagery. Never copy and paste from the internet. Copying other peoples content gives a bad impression and can land you in trouble.
Be Interesting
Harder than it sounds, I know, but writing engaging content will keep your readers interested. Avoiding big blocks of text and make sure you split your text up using headings to make your website read more like a brochure and less like an essay.
Speak to your Customers
Focus on benefits to customers rather than features. Customers will connect more readily to content that they can relate to so will feel understood.
Search Engine Optimisation
Boring, I know, but necessary. Make sure your page titles, headings and page descriptions are complete and do a little bit of keyword planning for your content. If no one can find your website on searh engines…
Get on Social Media
Spread the word! People love social media and will love your brand if you engage with your followers. Respond to interactions, good or bad – It’s a two-way conversation.
Write a Blog
Whether it’s once a week or once a month, search engines like Google love new content. Blogs are a great way of spreading the word about your products and services and demonstrating your knowledge.
Call to actions
Make sure you have clear and contrasting ‘Call to Actions’. This helps guide the buyer efficiently to where you want them to be. Whether it be a purchase, call, or a simple follow on Twitter.